Persimmon Homes

The Society has received the following information from Persimmon Homes. 


Advanced Warning of Road works.

Please be advised that road works are due to start on New Cut Road for a period of up to 9 days, from Saturday 16th February 2019, to Sunday 24th February 2019, and Sunday 24th March 2019.

The roads affected; Grovewood Drive North, will be closed in both directions from the roundabout for access, there will be a temporary diversion in place. New Cut Road will be controlled by two way lights, whilst Maidstone TV studios is manually operated for Access & Egress during our working hours.
Whilst we recognise there will be disruption during our staged highway appointment it is important for us to carry out these works within the time allocated. We will be working to the hours that have been agreed by the local authorities:

Monday – Friday - 8am – 8pm Saturday - 8am – 6pm Sunday – 10-1 (hours before and after this will be quiet working if required)
Could I kindly ask that you respect our difficulty whilst we are carrying out these works within your neighbourhood?


In advance, we apologise for any inconvenience and thank you for your co-operation and patients. (sic)