Bearsted Road Schools Site

Perimeter Fence ~ The Council's Repsonse


Complaint Re. Planning Application 18/506656/FULL – Popesfield, Bearsted Road - Perimeter Fencing

I refer to your recent complaint about the above matter. I have investigated your concerns and have reached a decision to not uphold your complaint. My reasons are summarised below.

In your complaint you consider that the recently erected blue fencing at the above site is totally incongruous and unacceptable, and question whether the Council has approved this fencing.

As is pointed out in your letter, condition 4 of the planning permission states:

The boundary treatments for the development shall be constructed in accordance with the details shown on drawing no. FS0745-ALA-ZZ-ZZ-DR-L-9003 RevP12 unless otherwise agreed in writing with the local planning authority.

This drawing details the type, height and location of all boundary treatments at the site but does not provide details of colours. Therefore I can confirm that the Council has not explicitly approved the blue colour of the fencing.

Because details of the colour were not specifically requested by condition, it is apparent the applicant has unilaterally chosen this colour, rather than seek to agree it with the Local Planning Authority (LPA). Unfortunately, the applicant is entitled to do this but we have advised them that it is extremely disappointing they did not liaise with the LPA, notwithstanding the absence of a condition.

In view of this situation, the LPA has come to what it considers to be an acceptable compromise to provide dark green fencing across the frontage with Bearsted Road, this being the most public area of the fencing. The remaining fencing will in time be softened by the proposed landscaping and is less prominent. The applicant has confirmed that replacement of the front fencing will be carried out in due course.

If you are dissatisfied with the handling of your complaint please outline your concerns to Angela Woodhouse, Head of Policy and Communications at who will undertake a review of your complaint according to the second stage of the council’s complaints procedure.